Stonefire Grill – YUM!

Sisters Mary and Maureen Harrigan envisioned this fast-casual dining concept from growing up with a family of 11. The table was always filled with large plates, which had simple yet loved prepared food with both taste and budget in mind. In 2000, Stonefire Grill was made and now has seven locations in Southern California. Their goal is to have “freshly prepared and simply Featured imagedelicious meals – for their dine in, takeout, and catering guests.”

Stonefire Grill will be cooking up a storm at Twilight Tasting. We are excited to have StoneFire Grill attend Twilight for the second time. This year they are bringing their BBQ Tri Tip… just looking at the picture makes your mouth water! Featured image

To purchase your tickets for the event go to and be first in line to pig out to this amazing looking Tri Tip.

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